Our History
The South Corman Park Community Association Inc. was founded in 1977 . In the 40 years since its inception, the Community Association has a wonderful record of serving the community and making it a better place for everyone. A highlight of the history of the SCPCA was the acquisition of the Log Cabin when it was gifted to the community by the Blackwells in the late 1980s.
Since then, the Log Cabin has served as the central gathering place for the SCP community, and it still is the center of activity, as the community hosts numerous annual and special events, including the Spring Pancake Breakfast and Soccer Regitration, the Annual Fall Supper, Pub Nights, Dance classes, Community Skating, and so much more. The Log Cabin has also been home to our Pre-School and Before and After School programs.
Without this wonderful facility, the Community would not be the close knit community that it is today.
If you are new to the community, we look forward to seeing you at one of the many community activities that we hold every year.
Our Directors
Here is the dedicated group of volunteers that make up our board. Without their dedication, persistence and experience, we couldn’t continue to engage our community through programming, events and much needed services.